From awake to sleep state he makes us do lot of things. Every action needs to be done as a tribute to him. Lets get dissolved in his love. Lost in his love. Once we start loving the divine parabrahma, the divine light, the divine pure light starts directing every action of us from his will. He will remind us on every action, on if we are doing anything wrong or right. He will help us overcome our fears, insecurities,negative feelings,lost feelings and fill in divine bliss the pure yellow light. The inner voice of the divine father is very sweet and pure. It never hurts anyone. Self sacrifice and self confidence are the properties of this divine voice. the divine voice always puts us on the "love all and serve all" thoughts and so on "help ever and hurt never" thoughts. Just love our divine father. Just let go the negative feelings that develop within us with love, forgive and forget. Stay compassionate like an angel and feel the divine bliss always. Always Love this inner voice of ours, which is in turn the god's voice. Love this true nature of ours the god self. Love the inner voice of atmaself,which always gives the correct direction to live life and handle every problem in our atma self life. Our atma says, those who believe our atma will never be deviod of basic necessities food, shelter and love and care. Everything else all are our desires, fears, anger ,ego and so on. Can we clean them all with the atma self in hand. Just let go all the thoughts into his love, the atma self. Lets merge and give all our thoughts to the atma(the divine). The anger, fear,jealousy, ego,pride, and all every thoughts, lets all rid of every thought and get them merged into the atma(the divine itself). "LOVE ALL . SERVE ALL". SARVAM KRISHNARPANAMASTU.